A Tribute to Garcia/Grisman – SOLD OUT

A Tribute to Garcia/Grisman – SOLD OUT

Presented By KGNU

Door time: 7:30

Show time: 8:00

Some combos are a match made in heaven: Peanut Butter & Jelly, Batman and Robin, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen.  That list would be incomplete without including the incomparable duo of Jerry Garcia and David Grisman.  The acoustic alchemy they achieved was originally forged in the legendary 60’s bluegrass band, Old & In The Way.  Decades later, they resurrected their musical relationship and recorded three classic acoustic albums in the mid-90’s prior to Garcia’s untimely passing.

This very special evening will feature selections from these albums, and showcase an all-star lineup including Chautauqua’s own, Scott Bauer (guitar/vocals), Blake Stepan (Heavy Diamond Ring – bass), Dylan McCarthy (Jake Leg Band – mandolin), and Kevin Matthews (Daniel Rodriguez, Gasoline Lollipops – percussion).

Sans Souci!

Heavy Diamond Ring – SOLD OUT

Heavy Diamond Ring – SOLD OUT

Presented by KGNU

Doors: 7:30

Showtime: 8:00

Some things are just meant to last. When Sarah Anderson and Paul DeHaven met and began playing together in 2004, they had no idea just how deep the well of their musical partnership would prove to be. After the disbanding of indie-folk sweethearts Paper Bird, the duo founded Heavy Diamond Ring and never looked back.

HDR is the culmination (thus far) of their signature sound, a fountain of open-hearted, folk-rock, steeped in vocal harmony and group synergy. Led by Anderson’s smooth-as-honey vocals and DeHaven’s rugged guitar chops, the band has been described as “open-road, long drive music”, having “a little bit of twang, and a whole lot of beef”, and their live show as “infectious and contagious”. The band is rounded out by veteran knockouts Blake Stepan (bass), Mike Lang (keys), and Orion Tate Ignelzi (drums).

Their second full-length LP, “All Out of Angels”, out this fall, was produced by Ben Wysocki (the Fray) and Mark Anderson and features a duet with Nathaniel Rateliff. Out November 17 on Cowboy Cowabunga Recordings.

“Heavy Diamond Ring creates a sound that feels as classic as rolling down the windows in the summer – a super highway to a new frontier.” -303 Magazine
“…a helping of contemporary indie-folk that goes down easy, augmented by some subtle, snaky guitar work, walls of harmony vocals, and Anderson’s attention-grabbing vocals.” -CS Indy

Supermassive Black Holes in Our Backyard – SOLD OUT

Supermassive Black Holes in Our Backyard – SOLD OUT

Rescheduled date from January 15

Featuring Ann-Marie Madigan

Presented By KUNC

Door time: 7:00

Show time: 7:30


Supermassive black holes, millions to billions of times the mass of our sun, are lurking nearby. Theoretical astrophysicist Dr. Ann-Marie Madigan shares how we’ve found them using stars in orbit around them.

Dr. Ann-Marie Madigan is an associate professor in the Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences department at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her research explores the motions of stars and gas around supermassive black holes, dark matter in galaxies, the icy worlds of the outer solar system, and planets around dead stars.

Orion Artemis I: Mission Around the Moon – SOLD OUT

Orion Artemis I: Mission Around the Moon – SOLD OUT

Featuring Corey Brooker

Presented By KUNC

Door time: 7:00

Show time: 7:30

This presentation will focus on highlights from our Artemis I mission around the moon and give you a glimpse into what lies ahead for Orion as we look to return humans back to the Moon.

Corey Brooker:

Corey Brooker has been working on the Orion Program within the Commercial Civil Space Line of Business at Lockheed Martin Space for the past 16 years. He is currently the Senior Manager for Orion’s Systems Environments and Specialty Engineering. Systems Environments includes: Aerosciences (ascent & reentry aerodynamics, purge & vent, and plume impingement); Thermal analysis for Active and Passive thermal control systems; and the Loads & Dynamics analysis for events such as liftoff, ascent, acoustics, aborts, separation, docking, control, descent and landing. Specialty area includes: Reliability & Maintainability; Electromagnetic Compatibility & Interference; Radiation; and Micrometeorite and Orbital Debris analyses.

His previous role on Orion included leading the Launch Vehicle Integration efforts between Orion and the Space Launch System (SLS) for both Artemis-1 and Artemis-2. Lead the technical management for the Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 between LM and United Launch Alliance. He is a graduate of the LM Executive Development & Growth Enhancement (ED&GE) and Systems Engineering Mid-Career Advanced Program (SE MAP). In addition to his work on Orion, he is passionate about employee development & engagement, mentoring and supporting the community via STEM activities and public outreach.

Previous work experience includes over 12 years of Loads & Dynamics analysis for the launch vehicle development and production flights on the Atlas V and Delta IV evolved expendable launch vehicles. He has been a part of 4 Orion missions (PA-1, EFT-1, AA-2, and Artemis I), 10 Delta IV and 11 Atlas V successful mission flights with 100% Mission Success rate.

Corey holds a bachelor’s (1994) and master’s degree (1995) in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan. The proud father to 3 children: Alexis, Isabella and TJ, and husband of 28 years to my wife, Nikki, who runs a non-profit in our local community for mom’s struggling with mental health issues and postpartum depression.

Shadow Chasers: Studying our Solar System through Occultations

Shadow Chasers: Studying our Solar System through Occultations

Featuring John Keller and Marc Buie

Presented By KUNC

Door time: 7:00

Show time: 7:30



John Keller, Director of CU Boulder Fiske Planetarium

Marc Buie, Southwest Research Institute

Stellar occultations are a powerful technique for measuring and learning about minor planets in our Solar System, (such as Kuiper Belt Objects, Centaurs, Trojans, and other groups of asteroids) that provide clues into the origin and evolution of our Solar System.  Planetary Scientists Marc Buie (Southwest Research Institute) and John Keller (CU Boulder) will share adventures involving hundreds of observers who have participated in occultation campaigns both locally and internationally to provide data critical to mission planning for the NASA New Horizons, Lucy, and other spacecraft. They will explain how community-engaged researchers are contributing to our understanding of the Solar System.

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